Economy of Florence

The point of strength that makes unique the production system in the province of Florence is the establishment of SEL (Local Economic Systems), which ensures relations, trade and business services.

Florence is known everywhere for the beauty of its monuments, for tourism and shopping.

The real backbone of the Florentine economy is the Florentine industry, with an impact of 27%, made up of 105,000 small and medium enterprises and some of the largest enterprises of the world.

The industry, as well as the trade, constitute the 50% of the Florentine business sector, while chemistry contributes for the 13.2% and the mechanics of 22.7%.


More than 15,000 enterprises with a turnover of more than 1200 million euros, mainly in the sectors of the leather and footwear.

Gucci, Prada and Ferragamo have decided to set up in their territory Florentine laboratories design and production.
The sector of 'clothing focuses for the most part in the territory of Empoli and adjacent municipalities with 886 companies and a turnover of about 550 million euros.


The art of Florentine craftsmanship is a tradition that lasts from 1737. One area started and consolidated mixing tradition and innovation.
The craft sector stands out especially as far as the ceramics, glass and wood concern with about 2500 companies and an annual turnover amounting to 850 million euros.

Food and Drink

Thanks to the carachteristics of the Florentine territory, there are more than 7000 companies operating in the agricultural sector, in particular this region is well-known for food and wine, with about 153000 employees and a turnover of about 180 million euros for the exported products .


Florence is the capital of art. Reading the recent statistics of UNESCO, approximately the 60% of works of the most important works of art are in Italy, half of them are located in Florence.

In fact in the past Florence was one of the most important cultural center for painters and artists who lived in here and here expressed their genius: the fathers of Italian painting, Cimabue Giotto, the founders of Renaissance painting as Masaccio, Brunelleschi, and poets as Dante Alighieri and Boccaccio, or the genius of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

Today Florence has become a popular destination for tourists who come from all over the world to admire this wonderful city.

In addiction to its cultural heritage, Florence plays an important role in this area for concerts, theatrical works, research centres that contribute to enhance the profile of the Region offering a prestigious and innovative opportunities.

L 'OPD (Opificio delle Pietre Dure) which carries out research in the field of restoration of works of art, in collaboration with the Museum of Science and Technology has promoted a series of projects for promoting the research of new technologies in the cultural heritage in terms of restoration and multimedia.

Events and shows

The Burst of the Cart: the "Brindellone" tradition in Florence, during the Easter period, is an ancient tradition which takes place every year in Florence. Today is celebrated on Easter Sunday in Dome Square. The famous Brindellone is a three floor cart comes down hanging on a thread which goes from the main choir of the Dome to the cart, and if the celebration is successfull, it burns and emits a wonderful play of lights, colours, smoke and outbreaks.