ponte vecchio

Visit The Bridges of Florence!

Bridges are one of the major attractions of Florence ... 

The San Niccolò bridge

The first construction took place between 1836 and 1837. It was rebuilt by Moranti in 1949.

Alle Grazie bridge

This is the third bridge masonry made in Florence in 1237, in the broader point of the Arno river. He managed to overcome the violent flood of 1333, although many of the buildings that were present were dismantled around 1876, to allow the passage of trams. With the coming of the Germans, in 1944, the bridge was totally destroyed, only to be redesigned and finally concluded in 1957.

Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge)

Every day thousand of tourists cross over the Ponte Vecchio, one of the symbols of the city, noted for still having shops built along it. Its characteristics shops, jewellery, souvenir shops.

The Ponte Vecchio, unlike the other Florentine bridges, was not destroyed by Germans during their retreat.

Santa Trinità bridge

It takes its name from the Church of the Holy Trinity and over the years has undergone several remakes. During the war it was destroyed during the German, it was rebuilt between 1955 and 1958 by Brizzi.

Carraia Bridge

The bridge was first built in wood, and later was reinforced with pylons in stone. It was destroyed during the German retreat and in 1948 it was rebuilt again by the architect Fagioli.

Bridge Victory

This is a bridge built in 1836 on behalf of Grand Duke Leopold II.

Once destroyed during the German retreat, it was rebuilt with the present form and name.